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Diplomatic Wing

Diplomatic Wing

Diplomatic Wing of the Mission promotes bilateral relations between Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in all spheres including diplomatic, political, economic, culture, tourism, education, trade and investment.

Diplomatic relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established in September 1947. A treaty of friendship was signed between both countries on 25th November 1951 at Jeddah, laying the basis for cooperation.

Both countries attach immense importance to their fraternal relations and have convergence of views on a number of regional and international issues. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia also support each other at various international organisations including the United Nations.

Our Relationship

Read more about the relationship between Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Pakistan has enjoyed warm relations with Saudi Arabia since the birth of the country in 1947.

Consular Services:

7:00AM - 3:00PM
Ramzan Timings

Office Timings (All Wings)

8:00AM - 4:00PM
Ramzan Timings

Token Timings

7:00AM - 3:00PM
Ramzan Timings
7:00AM - 12:00AM

Building Number 8224,
Diplomatic Quarters,
Riyadh 11693,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Other Telephone Numbers:

Building Number 19,
N17 E7 Sector, Mushrefah,
Jeddah 23332,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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